On 30th August 2024, an account called ‘Silly Lily” (@sillylilyts) posted the following video of her and another woman dancing. They had something stuffed down the front of their underwear, to make them look as thought they had penises. The caption was ‘Just two boys being silly’.
The response was WILD. Somehow, ‘real’ ‘trans women’ were able to tell that these women weren’t actually born male, and they were very angry indeed. Some of them even wished violence upon them.
Athena commented that he thought women pretending to be men pretending to be women is ‘transmisogyny’ (a made up term for when someone is ‘misogynistic’ towards men who think they’re women).
April was VERY upset. He said that these women ‘masquerading as trans women’ for profit was ‘disgusting’. He even went as far as comparing it to blackface! Well, I think that April would be very shocked to find out that women have been comparing men wearing dresses to blackface for a long time. But don’t let us get in the way of that complete lack of self awareness, ‘April’.
Sugar was quite annoyed too, saying ‘you don’t get to cosplay as a trans person then post openly transphobic shit for profit’. Well, Sugar, I think that they can, and they did! Cope and seethe!
Red had quite an ominous message to share. “Just wait until the anti-trans people find you. You won’t find it funny anymore.”
Oh, on the contrary, Red. The anti-trans people have already found it. And we find it very funny indeed!
“Lydia Rose” thinks that the two women deserve to face ‘abuse, threats and worse’ for pretending to be men pretending to be women. May I suggest if you don’t want to face abuse and threats, Lydia, that you stop cosplaying as a woman? Your own advice would save you quite a lot of trouble here.
‘Catboygymbro’ expressed thinking that the women were ‘shameless losers’ for ‘grifting off faking an oppressed identity for money’. Catboygymbro might be shocked to find out that women feel the same way about men who pretend to be women, in order to steal women’s sporting awards, women’s scholarships, and many other female opportunities
Heidi is very upset at the idea of women getting in trans spaces. If it wasn’t for the fact I’ve had enough experience with these people to know better, I’d think he was being ironic. The amount of men invading women’s spaces on a daily basis is astounding. The men clearly don’t like a taste of their own medicine!
Maxine asks if there’s anything more disgusting than pretending to be transgender and then being transphobic towards trans people. From where I’m sitting, I can think of many things that I personally find more distasteful, including cutting the breasts off of minor girls, men in dresses jerking off in women’s bathrooms, and men trying to harass, gaslight and abuse lesbians into dating them. But you’re not ready to talk about those, are you?
Lyra says that the video is a ‘pathetic attempt at transphobia’. I have to disagree there, Lyra. I think it’s a hilarious, and very successful attempt at transphobia.
Ava wants us all to know that the women are ‘cis women with dildos in their pants’. What I want to know, Ava, is how you can tell? How do you know they aren’t trans women? I thought that trans women were the same as regular women, and that ‘you can never tell’?
Zanne thinks that their video is the most pathetic ‘gross, transphobic grifts’ on X. Oh no! Anyway…
Arya the “Domme” says that their video is ‘harmful as hell to trans people’ and that they’ll have to stop at some point. Well, I think that men cosplaying as women is harmful as hell to real, actual women, and you should probably have never started.
Pixxie, a man pretending to be a woman on OnlyFans, with the handle ‘@IrlCrustySock’ thinks that pretending to be tr&ns is ‘weird fucking behaviour’.
Well, if it’s so weird, Pixxie, I suggest you stop, too!
Of course, there was no shortage of ‘actual’ trans people trying to grift and push their NSFW content in the comments sections. No one wants to see that, Camille. We’re only here to laugh at you.
Responses from Normal People:
Of course, there was no shortage of responses from those who found the whole situation hilarious. Nova pointed out that men appropriating women’s image don’t like a taste of their own medicine. If only they could have the self-awareness to realise this for themselves!
Even Tristan Tate chimed in, to say that this is the ‘funniest thing ever’.
Robbie rightly pointed out the hypocrisy of the hate the women were receiving. We’ve been told that people are who they say they are, and to be trans, you simply have to identify as such. Why is that suddenly not the case for these women? Outright bigotry and transphobia, if you ask me.
Icarus seemed pretty riled up about the response from transgender people. She pointed out that women have a longer history of oppression, and are far more oppressed than men in dresses across the globe. I couldn’t agree more.
Finally, 1997LibertyUSA rightly pointed out that the responses of trans people to the video shows that, actually, there is a difference between women and ‘trans women’, and the fact that the angry men in dresses can tell proves just that.
Thanks for reading! This article is a work in progress, if you’ve got any other funny responses to submit, please feel free to drop a link in the comments section.
Great job with your writing Hazel! This situation is extremely hilarious. 😂
The irony is delicious! We need more like what these brave transmisogynists are doing!!!